Rescue and Care for Orphans in India
Orphan Rescue &
From tsunami to earthquake, floods to
fire, loosing loved once to Aids or
substance addictions, poverty and
injustice caused by social casts system -
Indian children had seen it all. These
children due to their age and vulnerability
are at risk for neglect or exploitation,
abuse, slavery labor, even sex trafficking.
We work tirelessly in areas of extreme
instability to rescue and provide hope for
them in the form of family reunification,
emergency response, and for those with
no other options long-term care in the
refuge of Church Orphan Homes.
Contact us about recent endeavors and
you’ll find opportunities to partner with us
every step of the way. From emergency
care to routine medical assistance for
children who became part of our families,
you could reach into the lives of
vulnerable children and offer comfort,
protection and a chance for a future.
We keep growing and
each child that we get to
have in our program is a
gift! Thank you to all who
sponsor homes! It is a
true life-changing
blessing for these kids!
Just take a look at the
smiles of kids learning
new skills or seeing new
things they never even
dreamt of!
Where Most Needed
Warm Blankets Orphan Care Intl. is a 501(c)(3) Christian,
non-profit organization recognized by the IRS. By working
with other contributors and foundations that provide support
for their operational cost, they make sure that 100% of your
donation will go directly to our ministry. All donations are
tax deductible to the extend allowed by USA tax law.